Department of Engineering
for Innovation
Department of Engineering
for Innovation
Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Security and Resilience of Critical Infrastructures Lab
Date: March 10th 2021, time: 5:00pm-7:00pm
Online Meeting:
- EUsecure project: A 3 -year European project for developing a SimMOOC about security, resilience and sustainability in EU.
- Unimed Subnetwork on Safety and security of critical infrastructures: 23 Universities from 13 countries in the European Mediterranean area which collaborate for research and education
- Speeches from participants:
- Leonardo and the territory secuirty
- Acquedotto Pugliese and the water security in Puglia
- APRI: The development of a novel algorithm for preventing the contamination from SARS - COV- 19
- Data- Driven Models for the resilience of energy infrastructures to support decision making in cyber-physical social systems
- Preparation of Horizon Europe call
- Development of a master in security and resilience of critical entities
- UniMed Subnetwork webinar plans
- New affiliations